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«  Февраль 2025  »
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The Youth And Our Time

The youth is the future, therefore at all times to it was given particular attention. But if now to look at our young generation it seems not such cloudless. Now I look at young men with a heavy heart. On many of those who don`t have reference points, definite purposes in the life, have no present concept of culture and value. It would be desirable to note a word many as among youth there are people whom with pride it is possible to name the country future. But, nevertheless, the picture appears as the sad.

Looking back in the past, we can compare generations of a century of the past and a century of the present. That seemed inadmissible earlier, unfortunately, in present time is norm. This is the predilection of young to alcohol, to drugs, to loose life. To senior generation it is difficult to adapt in present conditions (sensations of hopelessness, uncertainty in tomorrow) and to keep former system of values. I think that to young generation it is much more difficult in this plan so they still don`t have system of values.

Recently the percent of criminal reports with participation of absolutely young people grows. Among offenses attract attention profit-motivated crimes – larceny, extortion of money, swindle. It is connected with that parents can`t satisfy all inquiries of the child as at the young such concept «all and at once» is developed. And teenagers can`t earn on the wished: many simply don`t have desire studies, to reach something by own strength. Even having got education it is difficult for the young to find work, to find the place in a society. The share of young men as a part of the unemployed remains high. The modern youth possesses such line which shows that the most part from it wishes to have a good income, thus, having no trades and no desires to work. It occurs because the youth doesn`t have stimulus to work. The majority has appeared without reliable social reference points. The choice of a course of life began to be defined not by abilities and interests of a young man, and concrete circumstances. From a hopelessness of realization of the possibilities young men, as a rule, follow a wrong way.

It would be desirable to note and some negative influence of technologies. Now it is quite often to meet that children prefer to spend time in the virtual world, for a place of a real dialogue with contemporaries, productive leisure or sports employment. Display of immoral, cruel cartoon films and serials also make negative impact. Sometimes characters of films, instead of parents, grandmothers and grandfathers tell about good and harm representation, that such is good and that such is bad. Perhaps, therefore all of us should face cruelty of children, their disrespect to each other, to the senior generation is more often. I had to meet cruel treatment of children to animals.

In my opinion, the problem of employment of children, teenagers can be solved by their attraction in public works, in sports, to help them to develop their interests, to open talents. It is necessary no to build the big shopping centers, but sports complexes, the centers of employment of children. It is necessary to give more attention to children from unsuccessful families. Support of the state to students, young families, young men which search for work is important also. Formation of viable growing up young generation becomes one of the main strategic problems of development of the country.

Youth is the finest time in life of each person. It is the time, when the person especially feels surplus of physical strengths and flexibility of a body, fast rate enriches mind, the horizon of its knowledge extends. If mind, force and will of young men to direct to the necessary way, to help them to develop their interests and the initiative our country will go on the way to prosperity, force and to the light future.

Answer the questions in the text:

1. Why do young people commit selfish crimes?

2. Why do some young people embark on the wrong path?

3. How do technology affect teens?

4. What conclusion can be drawn from this conversation?